CAPMO membership

Please select you preferred membership.

CAPMO Active

Any person within Colorado whose primary duties is the enforcement of building codes and related ordinance and is employed by a state or local unit of government. An Active Member has all voting rights


CAPMO Associate 1st

The First associate member

Any person, firm, company, or corporation having an interest in furthering the objectives and purposes of CAPMO. Such a member shall not hold an elective office. An Associate Member has no voting rights.


CAPMO Associate 2nd

The second associate member

Any person, firm, company, or corporation having an interest in furthering the objectives and purposes of CAPMO. Such a member shall not hold an elective office. An Associate Member has no voting rights.


CAPMO Associate 3rd

The third associate member

Any person, firm, company, or corporation having an interest in furthering the objectives and purposes of CAPMO. Such a member shall not hold an elective office. An Associate Member has no voting rights


CAPMO Associate 4th

The fourth associate member

Any person, firm, company, or corporation having an interest in furthering the objectives and purposes of CAPMO. Such a member shall not hold an elective office. An Associate Member has no voting rights


CAPMO Associate 5th and over

The fifth and over associate member

Any person, firm, company, or corporation having an interest in furthering the objectives and purposes of CAPMO. Such a member shall not hold an elective office. An Associate Member has no voting rights
